and AGM

Scope Members

Scope’s members are an essential part of the organisation, playing a key role in helping us achieve our purpose of creating meaningful opportunities for people with disability to belong and thrive.  


Scope’s members have allowed the organisation to have a powerful voice in the disability sector. With the support of members, Scope has actively driven change in the community and has been an influential advocate for the rights of people with a disability.  


As of 30 June 2023, Scope has a total of 131 members, consisting of 103 Governing (voting) Members and 28 Associate Members.  


Our membership engagement over the last 12 months was positive, with Scope members having the option of attending and voting at our Annual General Meeting either in person or via virtual technology and receiving Horizon newsletters and communications from our Board.  


The Scope Board continues to seek opportunities to engage purposefully with Scope’s members, evolve the role of Scope membership, and keep members informed on key developments and governance matters, with digital and in-person activity planned for the coming 12 months.  


Scope is grateful to all our members for their continued support in creating meaningful opportunities for people with a disability to belong and thrive. 

Scope is grateful to all our members for their continued support

Annual General Meeting

Scope’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 8 November 2022, with Governing Members able to attend and vote in person or via virtual technology.  


In partnership with our registry support, Computershare, Scope utilised meeting platform Zoom to host the virtual component of our AGM, enabling members who attended virtually to ask questions prior to and during the meeting.  


Members who attended in person were invited to enjoy an interactive showcase prior to the AGM, featuring highlights of our services and exciting innovation projects. Members were able to view artwork from Kaleidoscope, speak to our Community Inclusion team, take part in a virtual reality experience, speak with our innovation team and meet some of our NSW team, including individuals taking part in one of our successful employment programs.  


The AGM was attended by 47 people, 20 of whom were Scope Governing (voting) Members. 22 proxy votes were submitted by Governing Members prior to the meeting in line with statutory requirements. The meeting was duly convened and quorate.  


During the AGM, Scope Board Chair, Professor Sanchia Aranda AM, and Scope Deputy Board Chair, Gary Brinkworth, addressed the strategic and financial accomplishments of the previous 12 months. Scope Chief Executive Officer, Kate MacRae, gave her inaugural address to Scope Governing Members and noted that she felt privileged to lead such an inspiring organisation. 


Scope members unanimously approved the re-appointment of Elected Director, Brendan Earle, to the Scope Board, who stood unopposed. 


At the conclusion of the AGM, attendees enjoyed a moving presentation by artist, disability advocate and writer, Eliza Hull, who spoke of her experiences and advocacy work in relation to parenting with a disability. 


The Scope Board thanked the people we support and our members, families, staff, business partners, donors, supporters, volunteers, and friends, all of whom help us further our purpose of creating meaningful opportunities for people with a disability to belong and thrive.